Friday, December 12, 2008

Diana Pungky Biography

Diana Pungky known as by star of sinetron Indonesia comedy. Famous Acting of him, moment star character of Jinny, a woman spectre owning friendship story with human being in Jinny Oh Jinny. In [is] same role, Diana Pungky also star sinetron Untung Ada Jinny dan Jinny Lagi Jinny Lagi.

Star birth of Jakarta, 12 March 1974 this, also personate doll of Poppy in Doll sinetron of Poppy. In story of sinetron this, almost is equal to previous sinetron, Diana Pungky personate doll which can speak and make friends with human being

For a while on the way its life, Diana Pungky married with a entrepreneur, Dedey Mulyawan Risyad at 28 January 2005. From its marriage, Pungky Bambang Purwadi putri ( this alm) also have become produser a number of sinetron, including Me Wish Darling (AIDS).

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