Monday, November 5, 2007

Kim Sa Rang Biography

SA-RANG (pronounced Sa-lang) plainly means "love" in the Corean language. Unlike most Corean first names which can also be written in Chinese characters, SARANG, is only Corean. Sarang Kim, like many of her countrypeople say, has a very Corean face. Maybe. Walking in the streets of Seoul, she probably won't get many double glances. She takes care of her appearance, but is far from the beauty queen image. This is probably why she has many admirers and no enemies (do you know how many Corean WOMEN dislike Sohn Taeyoung??-ridiculously).

There's something about just can't dislike her. How could you?! She has a smile that represents the warmth of the Corean people. It's her smile that can get credit for her victory in the national competition last May. So victorious she was that the Korea Universe crown eluded Taeyoung Sohn.

In Miss Universe 2001...

Kim was crowned Miss Korea on May 28, 2000 at the Sejong Cultural Center, the site of the 1980 Miss Universe Pageant, and was subsequently handed her acting career. She also represented the Land of the Morning Calm (Korea) in the Miss Universe Pageant 2001. During the pageant, she won the special award of Best National Cost
ume wearing a beautiful creation of Korean hanbok dress.

Before the delegates' ar
rival in Puerto Rico, Sarang was almost unmentioned in the pageant community. As delegate pictures were launched in pageant sites, many people took notice of her. Of course she is not mentioned with the superpowers: India, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, etc., but she is arguably among the favorites from the Asia/Oceania region.

So many people have described her not only as a "doll" but a "porcelain doll." Few Coreans have the privilege of resembling a porcelain doll. I guess this is a compliment or is it a mockery? In the past, other queens have been criticized for looking like Ken's girlfriend (Barbie). Similarily, Taeyoung Sohn has been described as an "absolute doll" and many people seem to like Sarang can take it as a compliment!

What are her chances of reaching the semifinals? Many fans have enlisted "Korea" in their TOP 10 FAVORITES in messageboards, but will the judges especially notice her? Well, it'll be no surprise if she does not make the cut, judging from past performances (this country hasn't made the semis since 1988!). But to many it should be little surprise if she does make it.

Let's see.... Gown: she's a good dresser. Let's just hope she doesn't make a bad choice like many of her predecessors. Swimsuit: while Corea has always been poor at this competition, some have complimented Sarang's presentation. But it could be the comp
etition that could cost the spot, such as in 1995 Namibia, when Sungju Han oh-so missed the semis. Hopefully the western judges will fall over her Corean-innocent-angel-doll-porcelain doll-musician-college student smile!

Sarang has done her job by at least going noticed. As she said, it is her goal to "promote the beauty of Corea to the world." Mission Accomplished. Though most delegates participate to achieve this goal, unfortunately all don't succeed. Way-da-go Miss Korea!!


Born in 1978 (Jan 12), Sarang represented the Metropolitan City of Seoul, Corea's population:+10 million, capital. Sarang unintentionally entered the pageant scene. Accompanying her friend, who was registrating for the pageant, Sarang also applied due to encouragement of others. And she won the Seoul pageant and went to the nationals
Standing 5'8 ft, she among the tallest Asian delegate in Miss Universe 2001. She has it all to win Miss America
even the talent. Sarang is pursuing a masters degree in the Yongin University graduate school. She studies the gayageum, It is Corea's most musical and traditional instrument. This string instrument requires a lot of training and discipline. Seldom does the young generation pick up the gayaguem. Obviously, Sarang is very musical. She also enjoys playing the piano and listening to music. But as for now, her passion is acting. Her career dream is to be an actress. She has accomplished the dream.

The actress...

As a national queen, Sarang has easy easier access to t.v. shows and drama scripts. For the most of her reign period, she was seldom seen on network television. At times, she was seen on cosmetics commerical ads and magazines. So it sounds sincere, when Sarang says she wants to be a good actress. Unlike other beauty queens who first start acting and noticeably show their novice performance, Sarang seems to have it to act in serious terms.

Sarang just got her major acting role for a Sunday morning t.v. drama titled, "What in the World...
" She plays opposite several of Corea's good actors. Sarang plays Youjin, the younger daughter of a single mother who operates student housing in the family residence. The character is very selfish, outgoing, and a compaliner. She has a lot of men around and always stirs arguments with (a more attractive) sister.

It's a bit hard to imagine Sarang playing a slight b*tch, but she does it so well! Indeed, many people tune in to watch the show, because of Sarang's bitchy, but irresistably cute character. The new show started less than 2 months ago, but so far is so good!!

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